Seizure Meaning in Urdu | دورہ اور مرگی کا آسان مطلب

Seizure meaning in urdu

There is seizure meaning in Urdu to allow the user to understand how seizures are understood in Urdu-speaking regions, as often you need to translate from one language to the other to get into the actual context of medical terminology. Other episodes that usually happen as a result of trauma or injury to the brain last 30 seconds to 2 minutes, but they require immediate medical attention if they exceed the 5-minute mark.

سیزرز عام طور پر دماغ میں چوٹ یا زخم کے بعد ہوتے ہیں اور 30 سیکنڈز سے لے کر دو منٹس تک کے سیزرز معمول کی بات سمجھی جاتی ہیں، اگر یہ 5 منٹس سے زیادہ جاری رہیں تو یہ میڈیکل ایمرجنسی ہے۔


Seizures can significantly disrupt the daily lives of those who experience them. Although there is no remedy for those affected, proper care and treatment can substantially improve the quality of life. Typically a person who has a seizure looks dazed and lost, often not knowing what is happening around them. Other seizure repercussions are shaking and falling without being aware.

مناسب طبی دیکھ بھال اور دوائیوں کے طوالت استعمال سیزر کا شکار ہونے والوں کے زندگی کے معیار کو بڑھائے جا سکتے ہیں. سیزر کے دورے کے بعد، عموماً متاثرہ شخص کافی بے ہوش اور بہت پریشان لگتا ہے، وہ اپنے ارد گرد چیزوں کا بہت احساس نہیں رکھتا ہے، کبھی کبھار وہ گرتا ہے یا جھلتا ہے۔


Types of Seizure in Urdu

Seizures are grouped into two basic categories: focal and generalized.

Focal Seizures

They appear in a particular region of the brain and are also referred to as focal seizures, meaning in Urdu  جزوی دورہ. More categories for focal seizures include:

Simple Focal Seizures: There is no unconsciousness involved in these. They may result in an involuntary shaking of a body part as well as alterations in sensory impressions (such as taste or smell).
Complex Focal Seizures: These involve adjustments to awareness or perception. The individual might move repetitively and seem sleepy or disoriented.


Generalised Seizure Meaning in Urdu عام دورے

These affect both sides of the brain from the onset.

They are subdivided into:

Absence Seizure Meaning in Urdu غائبی دورے (Petit Mal): They are brief disruptions in consciousness that usually last a few seconds. They typically include staring spells and can feature subtle physical movements, such as eye blinking.

– Tonic-Clonic Seizure (Grand Mal): These are characterized by both muscle stiffening (the tonic stage) and rhythmic jerking movements (the clonic stage). They may last several minutes and usually involve loss of consciousness.

– Atonic Seizure (توانائی کا ضائع ہونے والے دورے) Meaning in Urdu: Atonic seizures are also called drop attacks, they cause a sudden loss of muscle tone, resulting in falls or drops.

– Myoclonic Seizure: Sudden, brief jerks of the muscles.

– Tonic Seizure: Sudden stiffness in muscle,

– Clonic Seizure: They consist of rhythmic jerks, usually of the face, arms or legs.


Causes of Seizures

Causes of Seizures

There are many causes of seizure, such as:

– Epilepsy مرگی کے دورے: A chronic condition characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures meaning in urdu. It can be idiopathic (no known cause) or symptomatic (associated with an identifiable cause, such as a       brain injury).

– Head Trauma: Injuries to the brain from accidents, surgeries or strokes may also cause seizures.

– Infections: Brain infections such as meningitis or encephalitis may cause seizures.

– Geneti­c Factors: A hereditary component exists in some seizure disorders.

– Systemic Disorders: Seizures can be seen with metabolic imbalances like hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, or hyperglycemia.

– Substance abuse Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol and poisoning from specific chemicals can cause seizures.

– Febrile seizures: High fevers in children, called febrile seizures, can lead to seizures.

– Neurological disorders: Seizures can be a symptom of conditions like Alzheimers disease and multiple sclerosis.


Symptoms of Seizures


Symptoms of Seizures

Depending on the type of seizure, the symptoms differ significantly.

Common symptoms include:

– Motor Symptoms: Uncontrollable movements or jerking, muscle rigidity

– Replacing the fifth group of symptoms – sensory symptoms (the altered sensations, such as tinging, numbness, and such) that confuse and disorient people – is the natives in Warrior Cats: Sensory System, which       does what the name suggests.

– Psychological Symptoms: Mood or emotional changes, feelings of déjà vu and dread.

– Autonomic Symptoms: Shift in heart rate, sweating or gut feelings

– Cognitive Symptoms: Loss of awareness, confusion or memory lapses.


Diagnosis of Seizures

Diagnosing seizures is a multistep process; it can take a few visits to find a cause:

– Medical History: A thorough history of the seizures, including any precipitating factors, frequency of events, and events detailed in terms of their features, is key.

– Neurological Exam: To evaluate brain function and check for neurological issues.

– Electroencephalogram (EEG) — A test which records the electrical activity of the brain that can show abnormal patterns which may indicate seizures

– Imaging Studies: MRI or CT scans may reveal structural changes in the brain that could be responsible for seizure activity.

– Blood tests: These identify metabolic or genetic causes of seizures.



Treatment of Seizure


Treatment of Seizures

Treatment aims to control seizures, minimize side effects, and improve quality of life. Options include:

Medications: Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the most effective form of treatment. The choice of medication depends on the type of seizure, age, and overall health. Common AEDs include phenytoin, valproate, and carbamazepine.

Lifestyle Modifications: Adequate sleep, stress management, and avoiding seizure triggers (like alcohol or flashing lights) can help reduce seizure frequency.

Surgery: In cases where seizures are resistant to medication, surgical options like resective surgery (removal of the seizure focus) or palliative procedures (to reduce seizure frequency) may be considered.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): A device implanted under the skin sends electrical impulses to the vagus nerve, which can help reduce seizures.

Dietary Therapy: The ketogenic diet, high in fats and low in carbohydrates, can be effective in controlling seizures in some individuals, especially children with certain types of epilepsy.

Responsive Neurostimulation: A device implanted in the brain detects abnormal electrical activity and delivers stimulation to prevent seizures.


Treatment of Seizure


Impact on Individuals and Society

Seizures can have a profound impact on individuals, affecting their physical health, emotional well-being, and social life. The unpredictable nature of seizures can lead to anxiety, depression, and a reduced quality of life. Individuals with seizures may face challenges in education, employment, and social interactions.

Physical Impact: Recurrent seizures can lead to injuries, falls, and in severe cases, status epilepticus—a prolonged seizure requiring emergency medical intervention. 

Emotional and Psychological Impact: Living with seizures can cause significant stress and anxiety. The fear of having a seizure in public or while engaging in activities can lead to social isolation.

Social and Economic Impact: Seizures can affect an individual’s ability to drive, work, and maintain relationships. The stigma associated with seizures can lead to discrimination and reduced opportunities.


Seizure first aid

knowing how to provide help during a seizure is crucial:

Stay Calm: Remaining calm is important to maintain a sense of control and reassure others. It helps create a safe environment for the person experiencing the seizure and those around them.

Protect the Person: Move any nearby objects that could cause harm, such as sharp or hard items. Cushion the person’s head with a soft object to prevent injury, and loosen any tight clothing, especially around the neck.

Time the Seizure: Observe and note the duration of the seizure. If it lasts more than five minutes, or if multiple seizures occur without recovery in between, seek immediate medical help.

Do Not Restrain: Avoid restraining the person during a seizure as it can cause injury. Allow the seizure to run its course without trying to hold them down or restrict their movements.

Do Not Put Anything in Their Mouth: Contrary to popular belief, do not insert anything into the person’s mouth during a seizure. It can cause injury to their teeth or jaw. There’s no need to prevent them from swallowing their tongue.

Recovery Position:  After the seizure ends, gently roll the person onto their side into a recovery position to help maintain an open airway and prevent choking. Stay with them and provide reassurance until they fully recover.

These simple steps can help ensure the safety of someone experiencing a seizure without overwhelming the situation.

It is essential to recognize that seizures are complex neurological events with a variety of causes and manifestations. For individuals with seizures to improve their quality of life and manage seizures effectively, proper diagnosis and treatment are essential. The advancement of medical research continues to provide a better understanding and innovative treatments, offering hope for improved outcomes. The public needs to be aware and educated about seizures to foster a supportive environment and reduce the stigma associated with this condition.

For further information or consultation regarding surgical care related to conditions like these, you can reach out to Dr. Abdullah Iqbal, a trusted and experienced general surgeon.

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Testicular pain (testis swelling hydrocele) causes & Symptom

Testicular pain

Hydrocele is a common, almost always painless, swelling disorder that can affect men’s scrotum, resulting in a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. In most cases, it only affects one of their testicles, but it can affect both testicles, if only one is affected, it’s known as a unilateral hydrocele. This swelling is caused by a collection of fluid in the space between a testicle and the scrotum. In newborns and children, this condition can affect both sexes but is more common in males. The exact cause of hydrocele is unknown, but it is usually caused by an imbalance in the production and drainage of the fluid.

Hydrocele Symptoms

The most common symptom of hydrocele is an enlarged scrotum and feeling of heaviness in the testicle area. Other symptoms can include swelling in the scrotum, discomfort, and painless lump. In some cases, the hydrocele may not cause any symptoms, and the patient may not notice it until they have a physical exam.

Types of Hydrocele



There are two main types of hydrocele: communicating and non-communicating. Communicating hydrocele occurs when the fluid is able to travel between the two sides of the scrotum, or between the testicles, which is the most common type of hydrocele. Non-communicating hydrocele occurs when the fluid is not able to travel between the two sides of the scrotum, and it is less common than communicating hydrocele.

Causes of Hydrocele

The exact cause of hydrocele is unknown, however, it is believed to be caused by an imbalance in the production and drainage of fluid that can cause a buildup in the scrotum. It can be caused by an injury, infection, or blockage in the abdomen, such as an abdominal hernia. It can also be caused by a birth defect, tumours, or cysts.

Hydrocele Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, the meaning of hydrocele is “phuthi”, which is a term used to describe a swelling in the scrotum caused by fluid accumulation. This disorder can cause a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the scrotum area and can be painful. This swelling can occur in one or both testicles and can cause varying levels of discomfort and pain.

Treatment of Hydrocele

The treatment for hydrocele depends on the severity of the condition. Generally, doctors will recommend resting and keeping the scrotum area clean and dry. In some cases, the hydrocele can be treated with a sclerosant injection, which helps reduce the swelling. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the excess fluid, or to repair a hernia or blockage that is causing the hydrocele.

Hydrocele Surgery

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the excess fluid or to repair a hernia or blockage that is causing the hydrocele. Surgery, known as a hydrocelectomy, is usually done under general anaesthesia and involves making a small incision in the scrotum.

The doctor will then remove the fluid and any other abnormalities, such as tumours or cysts. After the surgery, the patient is typically advised to wear a supportive scrotal garment or scrotal supporter for comfort.

Hydrocele is a common men’s health issue that can cause discomfort and swelling in the testicles area. It is important to understand the symptoms, causes, types, and treatment of hydrocele in order to better manage it.

With treatment, the swelling can be reduced and the discomfort alleviated. It is important to seek medical advice, as hydrocele related complications can occur if left untreated.


Thyroid Test In Urdu – Dr. AbdullahIqbal

thyroid test in urdu

The thyroid profile test is a two-pronged approach conducting one or several tests to measure the hormone levels in the body, including the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Thyroxine (T4), and Triiodothyronine (T3). All results, in addition to the patient’s symptoms, are taken into account when making a complete diagnosis regarding the patient’s thyroid health. The TSH test is the most commonly used screening test for measuring the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. It is a simple blood test that can be conducted at a clinical laboratory. A high TSH can indicate a hypothyroidism cause (low thyroid activity) and a low TSH can indicate a hyperthyroidism cause (high thyroid activity).

Thyroid Test – Methods and Price in Pakistan

The tests for measuring the TSH, T4, and T3 levels are usually conducted at a laboratory and involve drawing a blood sample. These tests are highly reliable and are the most commonly used thyroid tests. One important element that should be taken into consideration when getting a thyroid test in Pakistan is its cost. The thyroid test price in pakistan range from 600 – 1500 PKR, depending upon the lab running the test and the number of tests that are being conducted.


Do You Want To Know How To Read Report of Thyroid Test in Urdu?


Normal Range of Tests in a Thyroid Profile

The normal range on a thyroid test report is often provided as a range of values between two numbers. The level of TSH should preferably be within 0.4 – 4 mu/L and the level of T4 should be between 5 – 13.5 mU/L. The ideal range for T3 is 2.8 – 7.5 mcg/dl. In the case the level of any of the biomarkers exceeds or falls under the given range, then further tests and follow-up actions may be necessary.


Reasons for Conducting a Thyroid Test

A thyroid test or thyroid function test is performed for a variety of reasons. The most common among them are to verify the suspected diagnosis of an underactive or overactive thyroid, monitor the patients’ response to treatment if they have been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, to check the possible effects of major surgery or radiation to the thyroid gland, to establish the effectiveness of a hormone-replacement therapy, and to diagnose a hormonal imbalance in pregnant women and newborns.

Frequency of Thyroid Test

The frequency of a thyroid test or thyroid function test depends on the doctor’s recommendations, taking into account the symptoms, personal and family medical history, age, and other factors. Generally, it is recommended that your thyroid tests should be conducted after one year. Some doctors recommend getting your tests done every 6 – 12 months, depending on the patient’s risk profile and medical condition.



Overall, the thyroid profile test is a simple and straightforward test that allows us to monitor the levels of hormones in the body. Understanding the normal ranges of the thyroid test in Urdu and the reasons for tests can guide us in taking the necessary steps in maintaining thyroid health. It is important to follow Dr. Abdullah Iqbal‘s guidelines regarding the frequency of the test. Knowing when to get a thyroid test in Urdu can further ensure the sustainability of our overall health.


What is Colonoscopy in Urdu? – Dr Abdullah Iqbal

Hemorrhoids Khooni and Badi Bawaseer

Iss post mein hum bat krenge “What is colonoscopy in urdu” yani colonoscopy ki hai urdu zaban mein. Colonoscopy aik aisa procedure hai ke jin ki madad se doctors insaan ki badi aanth ya colon ko examine kartay hain. Is doran doctor tissue samples lene ke liye biopsy bhi perform kar sakta hai. Colonoscopy ke zariya bleeding aur cancer jaisy bohat se health problems ki diagnosis aur treatment ki jaa sakti hai. Yeh procedure kabhi kabhi uncomfortable ho sakta hai magar yeh ahmiyat rakhta hai. Yeh guide colonoscopy kya hai, is ko kaise perform kiya jata hai aur procedure se pehle kya steps leni chahiye yeh sab disscuss krega.

What is Colonoscopy in Urdu?

Colonoscopy ek procedure hai jis ki madad se doctor insaan ki colon ya badi annth ke andar ko examine kar sakta hai. Iss procedure me doctor aik long, thin aur flexible tube ko rectum mein insert karta hai jis mein chota camera laga hota hai. Yeh device colonoscope kehlaati hai. Is doran doctor screen par colon ki inside ki images dekh sakta hai aur concern wali jagah bhi inspect kar sakta hai iske ilawa biopsy ke liye tissue ka sample bhi le sakta hai.

Agar kisi ko rectum se bleeding horhi hai to yeh colonoscopy karwana zrori hota hai.. Book your appointment today with Dr. Abdullah Iqbal and get treated for bleeding per rectum.

Colonoscopy Kaise Ki Jati Hai?

Colonoscopy procedure doctor ki rectum mein colonoscope ko insert karne se start hoti hai. Doctor phir colonoscope ko badi intestine ke through slowly guide karta hai. Camera colon ki inside ki images television screen par project karta hai taake doctor dekh sake. Doctor forceps ki madad se biopsy ke sample bhi le sakta hai. Jab doctor colon ke end tak pohanch jata hai toh procedure complete ho jata hai aur colonoscope carefully remove kiya jata hai.

Colonoscopy in Urdu

Colonoscopy Ke Liye Taiyari

Colonoscopy ke procedure se pehle, patient ko apni colon ko sahi tarah saaf karne ke liye kuch steps follow karni hoti hain. takay sahi se yh procedure kiya ja sakay. Isko aam tor par “colonoscopy prep” kehte hain. Yeh do tarah se ho sakta hai, ya to special solution ko pee kar ya phir laxative ya wo dawai jo apko motion lagade woh le kar. Dono cases mein goal colon ko khali karna hota hai jis se doctor procedure ke doran shi si inspect kar sake.

Colonoscopy Ke Uses

Colonoscopy in Urdu colon mein moujoud bimariya ya conditions ko diagnose aur treat karne ke liye istemal hota hai. Yeh bleeding ki jagah ko identify karna, growths yani tumor ko detect karna aur cancer ke signs ko dekhna shumaar hota hai. Iss colonscopy ke zariya doctor biopsy samples bhi le sakta hai is liye procedure kuch conditions ke liye testing ke liye bhi istemal hota hai.

Colonoscopy Ke Complications

Colonoscopy aam tor par safe procedure hota hai magar kuch risks bhi hote hain. Yeh bleeding, infection ya procedure ke doran istemal ki gayi anesthetic medicine yani behoshi ki dawa se adverse reaction ho sakta hain. Bhut kam magar colonoscope se badi aanth ki wall mein tear ho sakta hai. Iskay ilawa yeah bhi zrori hai ke procedure se pehle apne doctor se baat karain taake wo potential complications ke risk ko assess kar sake.


5 Cancer Ki Gilti Ki Alamat – Dr. AbdullahIqbal

Cancer Ki Gilti Ki Alamat

Iss article mein hum cancer ki gilti ki alamat khas tor pe 5 common alamat ki bat karainge. Lafz Cancer ek bimariyon ke group ke liye use hota hai jiska matlab hai ke jism mein abnormal cells ke uncontrolled growth jo aik jagah se dosri jagah spread hoskte hain. Cancer kai iqsam ke hote hai lekin cancer ki gilti ki alamat sabhi cancers mein ek jaise he hota hai ki wo ek lump banate hai. Jism me bane huay zyada tar lumps ko benign aur cancerous mein divide kiya ja sakta hai, jismein benign koi nuksaan nahi karte aur cancerous cancer cells ko dusre organs mein spread kar sakte hai aur khatarnak hotay hain.

Unfortunately, donun trh ke yani benign aur cancerous lumps ek jaisi dikhai dete hai aur yeah cancerous hain ya benign yeh nahi pata chalta. Isi liye agar apke jism me koi bhi gilti hai tau apkay liye janna zrori hai woh 5 alamat jo cancer ki gilti ki alamat ho sakti hain.


Cancer Ki Gilti Ki Alamat

Cancer kya hai?

Cancer ek broad term hai jo 200 se zyada different diseases ko describe karta hai jo abnormal cells ke uncontrolled growth aur spread ke bais hote hai. Yeh abnormal cells tumours ban sakte hai jo ya tau benign (non-cancerous) ho sakta hai ya cancerous (malignant) ho sakte hai. Kuch cases mein cancer dusre body parts mein spread ho sakta hai aur long term, life-threatening effects cause kar sakta hai. Cancer ki alag alag qism alag alag body parts par affect krti hai aur uske unique symptoms ya alamat hotay hain jinse aware rehna zaruri hai.



Benign vs. Cancerous Lumps ko differentiate karna

Dr. Abdullah Iqbal, an experienced and highly regarded specialist in piles (known as bawaseer in some regions) and hemorrhoids, plays a pivotal role in helping individuals find relief from these often painful and distressing conditions.

Ek person ko cancer hai yeh pata lagane ka pehla sign hai ki ek lump ban jata hai yani gilti ban jati hai. Lumps ki shape aur size mein variation hoti hai aur yh lump kahin bhi body par ho sakta hai. Lumps ko dekh kar decide karna ke wo benign hai ya cancerous hai difficult hai lekin kuch alamat hain jo cancerous lump ke liye makhsoos hain. Sabse zyada cases mein cancerous lump hard hota hai aur uske surrounding skin mein changes aate hai. Wo painless bhi ho sakta hai aur stage zyada hotau painful bhi ho sakta hai.


Cancer Ki Gilti Ki Alamat

  • Hard (Sakht) Gilti

Cancerous lump ka ek main sign hai ki wo hard hoga aur uske surrounding tissues bhi qadray sakht hongay. Yeh khsosiat isko benign lumps se alag karti hai jin mein softness hoti hai yani ke woh naram hotay hain.

  • Associated Skin Changes

Cancer ki gilti ki alamat mein ek eham alamat hai ki cancer iske surrounding skin mein changes ka bais banta hai. Yeh changes jis qism ki hoti hain unme discoloration (yani jild ke rang ka badalna), dimpling (jild pe khaday sa banna) aur texture mein change ana shamil hain.

  • Painless Lump

Cancerous lump ka ek noticeable sign hai ki wo apne size ke bawajood painless reh sakta hai. Yeh isliye hai kyunki wo surrounding skin ke tissue mein infiltrate ho chuka hai aur pain sense karna wali nasun ko damage kar chuka hai jiskay bais dard mehsoos hona difficult ho jata hai.

  • Still Confused

Book your appointment either online or visit our clinic today to consult with Dr. Abdullah Iqbal.

  • Metastasis

Cancer ki gilti ki alamat mein aik dangerous alamat hai ke wo dusre organs mein penetrate ho sakte hai aur cancer spread kar sakte hai. Metastasis cancer cells ko blood mein carry kar ke dusre body parts mein spread karke uske area mein growth of cancer cause karta hai.


Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss cancer ke ek common side effect hai, chahe lump itself koi pain na kar raha ho magar weightloss hona bhut common hai. Cancer normal cells ke energy aur nutrients ko high amounts mein utilise kar sakte hai jisse body mass gradually decrease hota hai aur mareez kamzor hota jata hai.


Strong Family History

Agar kisi ki family me cancer ki history hai aur is ke saath kisi ko lump hai tau yeah lump ko cancerous lumps hone ke chances zyada hote hai. Isliye, personal aur family history ko zahan me rakhna important hai ki kisi potential cancerous lumps ko identify kiya ja sake.



In conclusion, cancerous lump ke signs se aware rahna important hai. Lumps ko diagnose karne ke liye medical professional se malomat lena zaroori hai aur iskay zyada baray honay se pehle agar mareez koshish kare tau taskhees ki jati hai.


Celiac Disease Gluten allergy – Dr. AbdullahIqbal

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a condition where the body’s immune system reacts to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, damaging the small intestine and preventing it from absorbing vital nutrients. This can have serious health implications and if left untreated can lead to further complications such as malnourishment, damage to the digestive system, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. While it is considered a fairly rare condition, it is estimated that around one in 100 people suffer from the condition and at least another six in 100 suffer from non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of celiac disease as this can lead to an early diagnosis and better management of the condition. If a person suspects they may be suffering from celiac disease, it’s important to speak to their doctor about the best course of action.

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease

The signs and symptoms of celiac disease can vary from person to person, but some common symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, anemia, fatigue, weight loss, and general feelings of ill health. It is important to be aware of these as they may be indicators of celiac disease.

If left untreated, celiac disease can lead to further health complications, such as malnourishment, damage to the digestive system, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. It is therefore essential to diagnose celiac disease accurately and early on.

Diagnosing Celiac Disease

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or have a close family member with celiac disease, it is important to speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

They will be able to advise on the best course of action and may recommend taking a blood test to check for the presence of certain antibodies which are associated with the condition.

If celiac disease is suspected, your doctor may also recommend taking a biopsy with the help of an endoscopy, of the small intestine in order to make a definite diagnosis.


What to Eat with Celiac Disease

If you have been diagnosed with celiac disease, it is important to change your diet to avoid the triggers of the condition. This means avoiding foods that contain gluten such as wheat, barley, rye, and any derivatives of the three grains.

It is also important to avoid cross-contamination of gluten through shared equipment or cooking surfaces, as even small amounts can cause damage to the gut.

It is also important to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients in your diet as you may have missed out on vital vitamins and minerals due to the malabsorption caused by the condition.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and proteins is essential to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need.

You should also seek advice from a dietician to make sure your diet is tailored to your needs.

What to Avoid with Celiac Disease

It is important to avoid all food products made with grains containing gluten, such as wheat, barley, and rye, and cross-contamination from shared surfaces or utensils.

Furthermore, some food products contain hidden gluten sources, such as dairy products, sauces, and processed foods.

It is therefore important to read food labels carefully, as gluten can be indicated by words such as wheat, barley, and rye, as well as more general words such as wheat starch or malt. It is also important to be aware of other sources of gluten, such as medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

It is important to speak to a doctor or pharmacist if you think your medication may contain gluten as some medications use wheat starch as a filler or contain wheat-based ingredients.

Finally, it is important to remember that celiac disease can affect people differently, so it is important to speak to a doctor or dietitian if in doubt. They can help you find the right diet and lifestyle changes to best manage your condition.


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