Tag Archives: Dr. Abdullah Iqbal

Difference Between Piles Fissure and Fistula

Difference Between Piles Fissure and Fistula

Piles, otherwise known as hemorrhoids, are inflamed veins in the rectum or anus and often caused by increased pressure in the area due to prolonged sitting, straining when using the restroom, or due to chronic constipation. Fissures, on the other hand, are tears in the mucous membrane that line the rectum and anus caused by excessive strain during a bowel movement whereas fistulas are caused by infections or that form an abnormal connection or communication between two organs or parts of the body.

Book An Appointment Now For Piles Treatment in Karachi


Symptoms of Piles Fissure and Fistula

The symptoms of Piles Fissure and Fistula can vary and overlap depending on the severity of the condition. Piles can cause pain, itching, irritation, and the most importantly bleeding during and after bowel movements. Fissures are an anal tear and can cause extreme discomfort and cause sharp pain during or after a bowel movement. Fistulas, on the other hand, can cause drainage and abscesses, swollen and painful bowel movements, or blood and pus in the stool that often stains the undergarments as well.  


Diagnosis of Piles Fissure and Fistula

To diagnose any of the conditons, your doctor will likely give a physical exam, ask questions about your medical history, and conduct a rectal exam. In addition, your doctor may use either sigmoidoscopy or endoscopy or in some cases MRI scans to diagnose the condition.  



Treatment Options for Piles Fissure and Fistula

The treatment for Piles Fissures and Fistula will depend on the severity of the condition and the symptoms experienced.


To treat piles, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes such as increasing your fiber intake and hydration levels, as well as topical medications like ointments, creams, and suppositories. On the other hand, in a higher stage of the disease, surgery may be offered to the patient which is called hemorrhoidectomy. For fissures, antibiotics and topical medications can be used to help reduce inflammation and discomfort. For fistulas, surgery may be necessary to open or remove the fistula. In addition, in some cases, medications such as corticosteroids or immune-system-suppressing drugs may be used.  


Book your appointment either online or visit our clinic today to consult with Dr. Abdullah Iqbal. In conclusion, Piles Fissure, Fissure and Fistulas are three distinct medical conditions that cause unique sets of symptoms and require different treatments. Understanding what each condition is and what symptoms to look out for can help you receive the proper medical attention and treatment more quickly and effectively.

Gallstone surgery – When Is It Safe?

Gallstone surgery When Is It Safe

Gallstone surgery is a common procedure used to treat gallstones, which are small calcified particles that can form in the gallbladder. They can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. While many people have these deposits without any symptoms, some may experience pain, nausea, vomiting, or other digestive issues. In some cases, gallstones may lead to more serious complications, such as a blockage in the gallbladder, bile ducts, or pancreas.

Book An Appointment For Gallbladder Surgery in Karachi


Who Needs Gallbladder Surgery?

Gallbladder surgery is generally recommended when gallstones cause complications or the risk of complications is high. Surgery is also recommended if the gallstones are too large and cannot be treated with other methods. In general, the decision to go ahead with surgery is based on the size and location of the gallstones, and the presence or absence of symptoms.



When to Go for Surgery?

Surgery is usually necessary if the gallstones are causing severe symptoms or have led to complications such as pancreatitis, jaundice, or an infection. It is also usually recommended if the stones are large, as these are more likely to cause problems. Surgery is typically recommended for people over the age of 40 as well since gallstones are more likely to cause issues in older age groups.



When Not to Go for Surgery?

Surgery is not generally recommended if the gallstones are small and cause no symptoms to only mild symptoms. This is because the risks associated with the surgery may outweigh the benefits.



Non-Surgical Treatment

For mild to moderate cases of symptomatic gallstones, there are several non-surgical treatment options. One option is to wait and see if the symptoms improve without treatment. This is usually recommended if the symptoms are mild and not causing much discomfort. Another option is to take medications such as ursodeoxycholic acid to dissolve the gallstones or relieve the symptoms. Other treatment options include shock wave lithotripsy and oral bile acid therapy.




Gallstones can cause a range of symptoms and medical complications, and gallbladder surgery is often recommended to treat them. However, there are some cases in which surgery is not necessary, and there are various non-surgical treatment options available. It is important to talk to Dr Abdullah iqbal to find out the best course of treatment for each individual case.