Stop Constipation in Winter

Stop Constipation in Winter Proven Do’s and Dont’s

Constipation is a complication that commonly arises due to gallstones dietary advice and lifestyle changes. It is the most prevalent condition because in this condition there is insufficient water intake, which leads to some individuals hardening their stools.  This condition is common in winter because people’s appetite tends to increase, leading to overeating and constipation in many individuals. One of the key causes of this complication of constipation in winter is the minimization of physical activities. It is analyzed that during the winter season, people become more inactive, which primarily induces changes in one’s lifestyle.


Two main factors lead to constipation:

– Insufficient nutritional fibre 

– Lack of proper fluid intake


Causes & reasons for constipation in Winter | Why does constipation happen?

Know more about Several factors contribute to constipation in winter which are as follows.

Lack of fibre intake: Individuals who take low fibre in their diet experience complications, especially constipation, because the stool becomes smaller and harder, which makes it difficult, to pass particularly through the intestine impacts bowel movement, and leads to individual constipation.


Lifestyle changes: Those adults whose water intake is low lead to some individuals dehydration in this condition, the stool becomes difficult and leads to constipation.


Medication side effects: Many medicines show cholinergic effects; due to these, intestinal motility becomes so low that it eventually results in constipation.


– Inadequate fluid intake: The fluid intake, particularly the water, is essential for maintaining stool consistency because it is significant in softening the stool and prevents individuals from different complications, especially constipation.


– Anxiety or depression: the complications, especially the depression that disrupts intestinal motility, ultimately lead to gastrointestinal complications, specifically constipation.


– Unhealthy eating habits: Unhealthy eating habits, specifically high-fat and fast food, also lead to gastrointestinal complications, especially constipation, because these types of foods not only slow down digestion but also slow the movement of food, which leads to constipation in many individuals.



Stop Constipation in winter

In children

– Poor diet: Children who do not take a proper diet or use low-fibre, hard stool lead to GI problems, specifically constipation.

– Fear of using the toilet: Those children who hold stool long affect the bowel movement and result in constipation.


Hemorrhoid Symptoms & Causes

The complications, particularly constipation, also lead to many individual hemorrhoids. Those individuals who are suffering from complications, specifically constipation, these individuals strain to pass the dry or hard stool that increases the pressure on veins, leading to severe complications, particularly hemorrhoids. In this condition (Bawaseer Symptoms & Causes), the veins are swollen, particularly around the anus or in the lower rectum, and the patient experiences bleeding and pain-like symptoms.


There is a need to avoid complications, particularly hemorrhoids because if this disease is not timely treated, it will lead to severe conditions and other complications like anaemia, especially in those individuals who experience chronic bleeding conditions.


Hemorrhoids have three types which are given below


– Internal: This condition happens in the lining of the anus and lower rectum and painless bleeding occurs particularly during bowel movements.


– External: It occurs particularly under the skin around the anus. Individuals who are suffering from external hemorrhoids experience the following symptoms which include itching, pain or discomfort, and swelling specifically around the anus.


– Thrombosed: In this condition, blood clot formation occurs, particularly inside a hemorrhoidal vein that obstructs blood flow and leads to painful swelling, specifically of the anal tissues.


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– Itching

– Swelling in the anus

– Pain

– Lumps specifically around the anus

– Bright red stool

– Rectal bleeding



Causes of haemorrhoids

– Chronic constipation

– Chronic diarrhea

– Prolonged sitting, particularly on the toilet

– Heavy lifting objects, regularly

– Inadequate fibre diet

– Pregnancy

– Obesity


Reasons for constipation

It is evaluated that cold weather conditions particularly lead to a decreased sensation of thirst that leads to individual hydration problems that contribute to constipation. It is analyzed that those individuals who did not take sufficient water intake experience hardening of stools, which ultimately leads to constipation issues.

It is essential to maintain an adequate water intake, particularly for a healthy digestive system, because inadequate water intake not only dehydrates the individual but also further progresses to complications like constipation. Healthcare providers must counsel the patient about healthy eating habits and physical activity because this not only prevents the individual from several complications but also promotes the quality of life.



Analysis of why constipation more common in the winter season

Cold temperatures that discourage outdoor activities contribute to a more sedentary lifestyle. In this weather condition, people reduce their physical activity, which not only affects their intestinal motility but also slows down the digestive process, which causes complications like constipation. So there is a need to promote physical activity because it not only stimulates the digestive system but also helps individuals prevent constipation. Individuals must incorporate indoor exercises or activities because they are essential, particularly in promoting regular bowel movements.


However, it is evaluated that certain compounds, particularly caffeine and certain compounds in tea, not only increased water loss but also contributed to constipation. It concluded that reducing the intake of foods specifically refined and processed also leads to several of these types of issues, so there is a need to recognize these winter habits and make minor changes, particularly emphasizing hydration, fibre intake, physical activity, and regular bathroom use.


These parameters prevent constipation, especially in the colder months. It is also the responsibility of the medical providers they counsel their patients about the different activities and healthy foods that are particularly rich in fibre because these changes not only reduce the risk of diseases but also enhance the quality of life.



10 Unhealthy Habits in Winter That Lead to Constipation

– Inadequate intake of water

– Lack of fibre in the diet

– Changes in mealtime

– High warm fluid intake

– Heavy clothing

– Reduced physical activity

– High consumption of sugary food items

– High dairy product intake

– High intake of refined intake

– High intake of legumes and salty snacks

Dr. Abdullah Has Fifteen years of Expertise in the Medical Field With a Particular Focus on Surgery. He is a General Surgeon, an FCPS physician, a Certified MBBS, and a Researcher with Google Scholar. Dr. Abdullah Iqbal, a researcher, Provides Expert Medical Advices.
Dr Abdullah Iqbal

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